
All this watching one self on Game of Thrones has helped to heighlight a few things, namley that my boobs are now bigger and my waist line is threatening to follow.

Thankfuly someone has excellent timing . . .

Thank you so much, in the few days I have had them I am already starting to feel some benefit.  Don't get me wrong, I haven't dropped a dress size in three days (invent those shoes and you will be a billionaire) but my posture is noticably better. I have always been a sloutcher - something I notice in many of my blow job videos and having something that makes me stand properly without thinking about it is great. My legs are starting to feel the extra strain when walking, which can only be a good sign.

So my final words on me trying to get in sexier shape. I have done some sit up's amongst other exercises today and plan on doing a little each day from now on and a full few hours on the weekend. I am also looking at my diet and am trying to cut down on carbs again.

No more bread
No more pasta - I have lived on the stuff recently
No sugar (or at least less)
No rice

Lots of green veg
Lots of meat (nom nom nom)

Ok now its written down in public I have to follow it.

OK now here's a little something to seal the deal.


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